Suzy Welch
Best-selling author, television commentator, and noted business journalist
• In response to an interviewer who she knew when she was 23 who keep describing how she was back in the day she commented: “Stop this interview! I am not that girl any more! I have moved on! I am a different person from that young girl you knew back then. And I am not yet the woman I will become!”
• This is the cause of great rejoicing
• We are not finished product
• This can be a source of panic as well.
• I want to change but I can’t….
We get stuck on journey of who we used to be on the way to who we want to become!
Answer 3 simple questions
• I used to make Gut and Guilt decisions, reaction decisions.
• We have to use our brains, we must stop just reacting!
• You have to take charge, be proactive, take hold of my decisions.
• You cannot be reactive for long without failure.
• When making decisions think about consequences in terms of how it will impact things in 10 minutes, 10 months, 10 years.
• It is not only about slowing down, it is about opening up and making your decision-making process more deliberate.
• This changed how I made my decisions, it has worked and I have become more successful in all areas of my life since I started doing this.
10-10-10 works so well because it connects your decisions to your values!
• You must coordinate your decisions with your values.
• Your values are your fingerprint!
• Your values are very specific to who you are.
• Your values define how you want to live, the legacy you want to leave and the character and lifestyle you want to live.
• Your is Legacy is what you want to leave!
Question #1–Your Legacy: What would make you cry at your 70th birthday party with regret?
• This help identifies the legacy you will leave.
• What will your legacy look like?
• You have to know what your values are in order to know what you want your legacy to be.
Question #2-Your Character: What do you want people to say about you and your character when you are not when you are in the room?
Question #3–What did you love about your upbringing? & What did you hate about your upbringing?
• It is hard to talk about what we don’t like but it is important to think about and recognize those issues as well.
• We need to understand what we didn’t like because we tend to mimic the things that we don’t like about our upbringing.
• We need to acknowledge and work not to repeat the same things with our families.
When you start doing this you start living authentic!
• Authentic living is enjoyable and you share.
• The upside is amazing!
• I am not the girl you used to know but I am on the journey to who I am going to become.
• In order to make good decisions you must connect decision-making to your values.
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