3 Steps to Transforming your Teams Self-Limiting Beliefs

Global Leadership Summit is a two-day event that is telecast LIVE from Willow’s campus near Chicago every August to more than 600+ locations in North America. Throughout the fall, Summit events take place in an additional 128 countries—translated into 60 languages. This is the 23rd annual Global Leadership Summit being broadcast around the world to more than 400K people.

Below are my notes for Sam Adeyemi:

In leadership, you don’t attract who you want, you attract who you are.

  • The leadership dynamic works when there is alignment between the sense of identity of the leader and that of the followers.
  • The leader is the ideal prototype of the member.
  • The miracle of leadership is helping people change.
  • The ability to help those you lead to become who they have never been before is leadership.
  • We can make champions out of ordinary people.

Real and sustainable change in people’s lives begins with a change in their sense of identity.

  • What we believe is what we become.
  • The ability to transition others from who they are to who they will be is a test of your leadership.
  • When we let people realize that they are than what they have become, that’s when we really bring change to their lives.
  • We become what we believe and that what we believe is where we belong. These self-limiting beliefs hold us back. Sometimes where you are used to is not where you belong.
  • The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.
  • Most people are sabotaged by self-limiting beliefs.
  • Changing people from the inside-out makes our leadership truly transformational.
  • How do you throw the heart of your team/employee/nation over their obstacles, the barrier that is holding them back?
  • How do you throw heart of a whole nation over the bar?
  • Whatever people see and hear consistently over time will enter their hearts and put their lives on autopilot.
  • In order to change followers from inside out, change what they see and hear.

3 Steps Changing Your Team Member’s Identity

1. Describe your vision over and over.

  • Your people should see themselves in that vision.
  • Vision is the ability to see people, places and things not just the way they are, but the way they could be.
  • Call them not what they are now, but what they are in your vision for them. Their future selves.
  • Great leaders recognize their future leaders in their people.
  • It’s absolutely critical how we describe our people, what is our vision for our team.
  • You build your team members self-esteem by how you talk to them and how to treat them.
  • Your mindset must be: It is because they are special not because I am special. It is because they are special that I am here.
  • You need to become the person people want to listen to.
  • Great leaders change what people think about themselves.

2. Set up a structured training system.

  • Is your training system capable of developing the ideal people you see your vision?
  • Training creates consistency in skills and values across your organization.
  • Training deepens the commitment of the workforce.
  • Unleashing the potential of people, especially those who are less than the ideal, is the job of leadership.

3. Model transformation.

  • You must model the transformation you are talking about.
  • You must set a high standard for yourself.
  • As you grow as a leader, tell your followers, “Whatever you see me do, you can do.”
  • You must reinvent yourself over and over and you grow and mature in your leadership. You “die” and one level to evolve to another.
  • To become someone you have never been, you must let go of who you have been until now.
  • Many leaders are stranded at one level because their capacity for sacrifice and risk-taking has been blunted by their success.
  • People will try to reach a standard they can see. Those you lead need to see you transformed in knowledge.
  • Lead people to their own death and resurrection experience.
  • Lead others to go do their own thing.
  • Train them and release them.
  • No one should hang around you for one year or longer without a transformation in their lives.
  • Leaders that experience radical change experience the pain of emotional separation.

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