I have recently read a number of blog posts and book authors who contend that not everyone is a leader. I disagree with those assertions. While I do agree that not all of us will have what it takes to be a CEO or tackle some other high level executive post in our lifetimes. However that does not exclude us from being leaders in our own circle of influence on a daily basis.
John Maxwell defines leadership as follows:
Leadership =Influence
If we use this as our core definition for leadership then all of us fit into the category of a leader. Each of us exerts influence over other people in our lives on a regular basis.
Look at this list of influencers that impact our lives daily:
• A parent influences their children.
• A spouse influences their spouse.
• Children often influence their parents.
• A neighbor influences a neighbor on where to shop for the best deal on lawn care, groceries, hair stylist etc…
• A co-worker influences another co-worker on where to eat lunch, get their dry cleaning done, what concert to go to etc…
• A waitress influences you on what to eat that day by telling you the great specials that are available or what are the local favorites.
• Your handy-man influences you on some needed repairs to your house.
• Your mechanic influences you on some needed work so your car doesn’t break down.
• Your hair stylist influences you on your new hair cut style.
I think you get the point, and this list could go on and on. Make up your own list and take a moment to recognize all the people who exert influence over you in the course of a day. Once you do this you will realize that leadership is alive and well in many forms all around us all day.
Are you a leader? I think we all have to answer yes and realize each of us has leadership roles and responsibilities in our lives and that we owe it to ourselves and those we exert influence over to work at being better at some of the most basic leadership skills.
While you might not aspire to be a CEO I would hope you aspire to be a better parent, spouse, friend, neighbor, co-worker…you fill in the blank________.
Each of us can grow in our leadership and use our improved skills to better impact our circle of influence in a more positive and effective manner.
Andy Stanley states that:
“Leadership is a stewardship, it is temporary and you are accountable!”
So let’s all commit to learning to lead more effectively in the days ahead.Are you ready to learn how to lead?
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