Building & Leading Your Dream Team

This seminar provided great content on how to lead and build your organizations team from the very successful leaders who have demonstrated the content being taught today.

Here are the highlights from their presentations:

Brian Bloye

Principles for Growing and Leading Teams

1. As a leader you have to get to a place where is not about you.

• You will attract leaders when it is not about you.

• It is not about the staff either, if you do this right it moves throughout the organization.

• God’s glory becomes the main focus and not the glory of any person.

If it is about you, you will have a revolving door on our team.

2. Constantly rally team around a compelling vision.

Cast vision continually, keep it in front of them all the time.

• You have to keep that vision in front of your team, you have to say it over and over again, hearing the vision over and over again inspires the team.

• When there is no vision your staff will perish

3. Hire people better than you at what they do

• Surround yourself with great people!

• Insecure leaders surround themselves with leaders less gifted than themselves because they don’t want to be threatened by others more talented than themselves.

If people are not aligned with your vision & values they need to leave.

4. Be clear with your team about how you make decisions, they must understand how you make decisions

• Allow your team to make input into the decision-making process and they will often make it far better than you had originally dreamed it.

• When you do something wrong apologize for stupid leadership, they already know it was stupid, but admitting it to them helps everyone.

• Use the word vision very carefully, if you use it too casually you lose credibility with your team. You can’t have an ever changing compelling vision, it will lose significance and power over time if you do this.

5. Keep open communication with your team

• Most relationship issues have the foundation of the problem in poor communication

People tend to be down on things they are not up on. They need to be informed in order to be positive.

• Your team just wants information.

• Leaders must assume nothing. Always over communicate versus assuming people know!

Create a system that gets information to your team weekly with an opportunity for them to offer feedback.

6. Create an environment of love, recognition and encouragement.

• Relationships are more important than strategy and structure.

• The culture of an organization is the behavior its leaders.

How to create a culture of love and recognition:

• Share the Glory with them

• Celebrate the wins

• Create a great environment for them to work in.

• Don’t let conflict linger, learn to share the final 10%-Bill Hybels, if you don’t get into the final 10% you don’t have healthiness as an organization.

• You have to let the team see you heart.

Shawn Lovejoy

• A healthy leader & a healthy team results in healthy organization!

Six Basic Elements that we owe our teams

1. Community

• I as a leader want to be walking ahead of team but not so far ahead I can’t do life with them.

• When it comes to the team you must have community.

• If you can’t be close your team it is always going to be a challenge to be successful.

• A leader must work to build community with his team, he must be intentional about building community.

• The larger your team gets the harder it is to build community. A leader has to build systems to make this happen.

• The leader can’t delegate the building of community on his team.

You will find most people never get encouraged and don’t how to encourage others!

2. Character

• Leadership is caught not taught and character matters!

• Charisma will help your recruit a great team member but it will not keep them, character will keep them!

• A leader models the way, you should not ask anything of team that you are not willing to do yourself.

3. Care

• Temptation is to use people to get ministry done instead of using ministry to build people.

• This reveals impure motives, if you pursue the great commission at the expense of the great commandment it is sin

• We are in the people business, we are not in the production business, music, preaching etc

Not having enough time to spend with your team members is the absolute cop-out of leadership!

• Jesus spends lots of time and energy to get away crowds to be alone with his team

• A lead must work to spend time with team members.

• Spending time with our team members gets crowded out by the small things of life.

• If my leaders don’t know I care about them they are not going to go with me.

• Intentionally encourage your team, work at catching people doing what is right!

• If you care for people they will make it for the long run, vision and care are the reasons people stay and keep working.

• If I see one of our people not caring for people then I swoop down and get involved immediately.

4. Clarity

• A leader must clarify the win for his team.

• You must worry about the people who are only 1% off your vision, over time this will be destructive to your success, it will slowly hurt and damage you, your team and your organization, because they will likely stay on your team, don’t worry about the people who are way off your vision they won’t be on your team long-term.

A leader must have candor, a leader must have the difficult conversations.

• If a team is not unified around the vision it is our fault as leaders!

• If a team member doesn’t the vision it is our fault as leaders.

• A leader’s goal is to help the team learn and grow

• Your organization can’t have unity without clarity.

There must be clarity about expectations!

• Many times we struggle with how to be honest about expectations with our team members. It is our responsibility to hold people accountable for results.

• Put expectations in writing about what we will do, when, where, etc., this is an accountability tool to keep everyone on track.

• There is nothing worse than team member not knowing what the target is.

• Clarity will often bred some conflict.

• The only way to have everybody with you is to have no vision-Bill Hybels

• Your vision will separate people who are not on board with where you are going.

• Clarity and conflict actually builds unity.

You either have conflict or artificial harmony-Patrick Lencioni

5. Conviction

• People need a leader with conviction and passion.

• Passion, authority, conviction is what people need to see and people will get fired up about this kind of stuff and follow you.

6. Culture

• It is a leader’s responsibility to establish the culture of the organization.
• We either set culture by design or default.
• We have a code that unites together.
• The ones that follow the code make it.
• The ones that violate the code don’t make it.

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