When you are in a crisis there is a kind of peace that shows up there!
Wouldn’t be nice if you could do this without having a crisis to evoke this focus?
You only feel good about what you are not doing when you know what you are not doing.
It is not about time, it is about space.
If you don’t have room your creative energy is being wasted trying to fix stuff instead of being productive.
You are most productive when you have the room and freedom to make a mess.
When challenge, opportunity, crisis comes will you be ready?
1. Flexibility: In order to appropriately engage with my work I need flexibility not perfection. You need to be able to switch rapidly.
2. Focused Attention: Pay to attention to what has your attention!
Keys To Successfully Get Things Done:
1. Capture: Anything that is on your mind get it off your mind-takes 1-6 hours to empty your head of every single thing in your head, this is just to get it out, this is not doing anything with it
2. Action Decisions: Take what is on your list and make decisions about what you are going do about those things on that list What does done look like? What is the next thing I need to do to get things done?
3. Map it Out: Then you must take a look at them all and step back, You need the right maps, could be your calendar, list, etc., This will orient you to your simplicity and provide you focus.
Your ability to orient yourself will be key to your success, if you don’t’ do this your creativity will be robbed.
Now Go Get Things Done!
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