Best-selling author and leadership expert
Simply Lead
John Maxwell started this event with one location more than 10 years ago and today more than 120,000 people in 750 locations world-wide.
Simplistic is shallow and fast, no depth to it, very easily understood, but very shallow.
The Process to Get To Simple
Example: Take the statement: “Experience is the best teacher”
Is experience really the best teacher? Experience is not really the best teacher, many people are getting older but not getting better
Simple=Deep & Fast
Leadership is Influence, nothing more, nothing less!
Key Principle To Keep It Simple
Add Value To People Everyday!
Simple Math Formula for Expanding your Leadership by Expanding your Influence
A. Subtract Landmines From Your leadership.
B. Multiply Your Strengths By Developing Them
You don’t have influence in your areas of weaknesses
C. Divide your weaknesses by delegating them.
Our problem is that we keep trying to find a leader to solve our problems. The right answer is be the leader that solves the problem.
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