This year Leadercast added a new half-day event prior to Friday’s normal all day event, Leadercast Labs. This was a great addition providing some great teaching and insights into how to be a better leader.
Below is my notes for the 2nd session.
Jeremie Kubicek has lived in Moscow, London, Atlanta and currently resides in OKC with his wife, Kelly, and their three kids, Addison, Will and Kate. He is the co-founder of the GiANT companies (GiANT Worldwide, GiANT Partners, GiANT Capital, GiANT Impact and GiANT Experiences). He is the Co-author with Steve Cockram of two books: “5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time” (available September 2015); and “5 Voices: Discover Your Voice, Build Your Team and Change Your World” (available January 2016) and Best-selling author of “Making Your Leadership Come Alive: 7 Actions to Increase Your Influence”, also traded as Leadership is Dead He is the Co-creator of the Leadercast global simulcast as well as the former CEO over the national Catalyst conferences Developer of The Prairie at Post, a, modern niche real estate development in Edmond, OK and is a partner in several current startup organizations. The Secret of Leadership: Jeremie believes that the secret of leadership is knowing yourself and your tendencies, enabling you to lead yourself first. Once you become competent in leading yourself, the secret to leading others lies in understanding when to alternately support and challenge them with consistency. When people see you leading yourself and know you are for them, then they are more apt to follow you, because they perceive you as a leader worth following. His goal is to transform leadership by building leaders worth following by encouraging, equipping and empowering them with proven transferable tools. He is passionate about expanding the concept of Liberating leadership, where leaders learn how to both support and challenge effectively. At the end of the day his goal is to be a leader worth following who was constantly fighting for the highest possible good for those I lead and love.
“Everyone speaks. Not everyone is heard.”
Are you connected or disconnected?
Jeremie shows us pictures of the below situations asking the question, Connected or Disconnected?
Where your eyes go so goes your mind!
1. Recharge-Learn how to recharge completely unplugged
2. Connect-Be present with family or friends without work
3. Socialize-Be present with people-casual mode
4. Multi-task-work hard on various tasks
5. Focus-Get in the zone-Total Focus
Responsive Gearapologizing Sometimes you need to back-up, apologize for something, for not be present etc.,
Some Things to Remember:
Be Intentional in all areas of your life, make sure you are in the correct gear for the correct situation.
“Set your calendar for your family and which gears you are in.”
Trade up: invest your time in things that recharge you and build you up.
Mastering Transitions
Using the gears can serve as a sign language for you and your teams so that all of you can become more effective working with one another.
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