Powerfully Delivering Your Message

I first saw this TED video several weeks ago in a blog post by Dan Miller entitled Embrace The Shake. Phil Hansen delivers a powerful message that will inspire and challenge you to look at your circumstances from a different perspective. There were a number of key things that struck me as I watched the video. Take time to view the video and think about the impact it has on you.

Take Aways For Me

1. The Great Content: The content of the message itself was a powerful example of not allowing what we often view as personal handicaps to hinder our progress or keeping us from living productive successful lives.

2. The Amount Of Information: I was amazed at how much information he delivered in only 10 minutes. It was evident that he had done a great deal of preparation to refine and clarify his message so that he delivered a powerful message with lots of information in a concise format.

3. Clarity: His message was clearly woven throughout the entire presentation. The audience not only heard and saw his message but experienced it as well. When we experience a message we take it home with us. These types of messages impact our lives and leave an impression on us for long periods of time.

4. Powerful: Phil Hansen speaks with passion and conviction demonstrating a powerful message that both inspires and challenges the audience.

5. Story Telling: Phil tells his own story and this story is the voice that inspires us as we sit captivated. Your story has power behind it.

What is your shake?

What is your story?

How can you use both to inspire, encourage and lead others to greater heights?

Go embrace your shake and tell your story!

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