Quick Hit Leadercast Learnings #2

As mentioned in an earlier blog I have learned a number of leadership lessons from past Leadercast.

Make sure not to miss this year’s event, this Friday May 7th.

Check it out here:

Chick-fil-A Leadercast

Some highlights from past events:

John Maxwell

• The more valid reasons you come up with for achieving your own dreams then the more likely it is that they will become reality.

Ownership Question= Is my dream really my dream?

• Growing up we assume others dreams for our lives instead of discovering our own dreams and then pursuing them.

• We accept trying to fit someone else’s dream into our own lives.

If it is truly your very own dream then you will bet on yourself. You will bet that investing your time, • • energy, planning and money in your own dream will pay dividends some day.

Reality Question= Am I depending on factors within my control to achieve my dream?

• The foundation of your dream must be reality or else dream will never be built.

•Disappointment=Gap between reality and disappointment

•You greatest growth will come in the area of your giftedness, or your strengths.

The Cost Question=Am I willing to pay price for my dream?

• As you move in the direction of your dream you will be required to pay more than your thought, sooner than you thought, and more often than you had imagined you would. If a dream is truly your dream then the cost will be worth it in the end.

Tim Sanders

1. Workers with a positive mood are more productive and more engaged.

2. Workers learn more when they are in a positive mood state.

3. Workers are more innovative when they have positive moods.

4. To improve your worker’s mood give them a cause, a social mission is exponentially more inspiring than a financial mission.

5. To improve your worker’s mood give them a life. a) environment b) work-life balance c)self-worth

Bill Strickland

•I believe people are born into this world as assets not liabilities. How you treat people drives their behavior.
•If you want to work with people who have been left behind in life, then look like the solution and not the problem.
•People are a function of environment and expectations-every day every week.
If you build world-class facilities, people plan to see themselves the same. If you build prisons, people act like prisoners.
•I made a fascinating discovery about poor people: the only thing wrong with them is that they don’t have any money.

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