Suggested Reading for Leaders

Earlier this year I attended an event put on by Giant Impact and I recently ran across this suggested book reading list for leaders they included in our event materials. Thought you might enjoy me sharing it with you, so here it is.

How many of these have you read?

The 360 Degree Leader-John Maxwell

Now, Discover Your Strengths-Marcus Buckingham

Blink-Malcolm Gladwell

Confidence-Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Rules of the Red Rubber Ball-Kevin Carroll

Team of Rivals-Doris Kearns Goodwin

The Next Generation Leader-Andy Stanley

Made to Stick-Chip Heath

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People-Stephen R. Covey

Groundswell-Charlene Li

The One Minute Manager-Ken Blanchard

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team-Patrick Lencioni

Leadership Promises for Every Day-John Maxwell

The Experience Economy-Joseph Pine

Strengthsfinder 2.0-Tom Rath

John Adams-David McCullough

The First Billion is the Hardest-T. Boone Pickens

Visioneering-Andy Stanley

Leading from the Heart-Jack Kahl

Virtuoso Teams-Andy Boynton

Patten on Leadership-Alan Axelrod

Leadership Engine-Noel M. Tichy

Good to Great-Jim Collins

Making Ideas Happen-Scott Belsky

The Element-Ken Robinson

Common Wealth-Jeffrey Sachs

The Purpose Driven Life-Rick Warren

How to Win Friends & Influence People-Dale Carnegie

Drive-Daniel Pink

You Don’t Need A Title to be a Leader-Mark Sanborn

Long Tail-Chris Anderson

The Rise of the Creative Class-Richard Florida

Integrity-Henry Cloud

Linchpin-Seth Godin

Developing the Leaders Around You-John Maxwell

The Designful Company-Marty Neumeier

The Future of Management-Gary Hamel

How Did You Do It, Truett? S. Truett Cathy

Winning-Jack Welch

Built to Last-Jim Collins

Talent is Overrated-Geoffrey Colvin

I have a few I need order on Amazon, how about you?

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Leadership Reading Guide

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