The Gift of Life: What will you do with yours?

Last week I attended Leadercast Live in the Atlanta, GA area. This event was broadcast to over 20 countries and 100,000 people around the world. Over the next week I will share notes on the excellent talks that were delivered. Below are my notes from Dr. Jim Loehr’s talk.

Dr. Jim Loehr is the Chairman, CEO, and Co-founder of the Human Performance Institute, a training company that has successfully utilized energy management technology to improve the productivity and engagement levels of elite performers from the world of business, sport, medicine, and law enforcement for over 30 years. A world-renowned performance psychologist, Dr. Loehr is the author of thirteen books including the national bestseller The Power of Full Engagement.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Mark Twain

Jim would like to add a 3rd day to this famous quote.

“The day you decide that you will align yourself and your energy with that why.”

What is your Life’s GPS?

We need these coordinates to successfully navigate through this life.

#1> You need to know where you are going? (How am I Getting Home?)

#2> You need to know where you are now? You must have an understanding of where you are relative to the destination.

What is the Gift of Life?

#1> Consciousness

#2> Energy–> Your ability to make something happen. You make something happen with energy. You can take energy from your body and make something happen. Nothing happens until energy causes something to move

So, Why You?

  • Where are you supposed to take this gift?

Lots of surveys over the years have asked this question and below are the consistently top four answers. These four characteristics are the most commonly stated life goals.

What do you want most for your children?

  • Happiness-this always tops the list-Jim stated that great leaders such as MLK and Gandhi were looking for happiness, but instead were looking to achieve something with a higher purpose beyond themselves, something they believe might happen some day.
  • Good Person-a person of character
  • Achievement-do something with their life
  • Health

At the end of the day are these what we want on our tombstone?

  • “The Dude was Happy”
  • “The Dude was Healthy”

How do you really want to be remembered?

If your priority is to make kids happy you surround them with marsh mellows and pillows. Then when they go into the world it is not that way.

  • Can you be a high achiever and not happy?
  • Can you be a high achiever and not a good person?
  • Can you be a high achiever and lose your health?
  • Can you not be a high achiever and be a good person?
  • Can you be all four?

You can accomplish all four of these desires if you will allow your moral and ethical character to form the center of your life from which you make all your decisions.

#1 Health-This is tied to your life’s purpose that has nothing to do with you.

#2 Happiness-Tied to what you bring to others.

#3 Achievement-Only way to win is character.

Selflessness is the key attribute that you must have to lead yourself well. Doing it for others not for oneself. Doing things for others relieves pressure because it is no longer about you.

Who you are becoming is a consequence of the chase, the process of the person you are developing into during the journey. Jim has discovered that when people have a sense of purpose beyond themselves will have good health, will be great achievers and reach higher levels of happiness that are indescribable.


  • Best Self: What are 6 words that describe you best when you are performing at your highest level?
  • Tombstone: What are 6 words that you want to describe you on your tombstone when you were achieving at your highest level?

You should then reflect on these words and what they mean for the direction of your life. What do you need to change for these to be what ends up on your tombstone at the end.

Moral Character: Kind, Compassionate & Loving. You can develop the muscles of moral character just like developing muscle on your body, by working at it and building it. You must exercise your muscles of caring, compassion and your integrity so that your moral scorecard will be brilliant in the end.

The center of wheel is who you are and who you are becoming.

Answer–>To justify your life you give it away. You give it away to others.

You must come to realize that you justify the gift of life by giving it away to others. It was never about you in the first place. It is not about your own self-interest but to help others.

Moral & Ethical character is always your highest priority. In leading yourself your moral scorecard has no equal. The only way to win is with Character!

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