I want to introduce to servant leadership in action through an organization called Truth In Nature . This organization was started several years ago by a former co-worker Jeff Davis and his wife Carrie.
Here is a summary from their website ( http://www.truthinnature.org/ ) that best describes what they are all about:
Truth in Nature is a single parent youth organization that is based in Paulding County, GA. We reach out to single parent youth in middle and high school in our local communities to get them involved in the outdoors. We have youth involved that have experienced divorce, death of parent, parent incarceration, living with grandparents, and even parent way with military or career responsibilities. These are just some of the examples of the youth we involve. During our outdoor programs and activities we take the opportunity to minister and share Christ with them while emphasizing walking a Christ filled life into their young adult years and beyond.
God’s outdoors is a unique place to form bonds and experience Christ. His nature is all around you and during our programs you could find yourself out on the lake fishing, floating down a river on a tube, sitting in a deer stand, camping under the stars, or horseback riding through the hills. You are surrounded by His creation.
We look forward to what God has lined up for us at every program and are always welcoming new faces. Please explore the website to find out more. (http://www.truthinnature.org/ )
We look forward to hearing from you!
Tight Lines, Steady Aim, Cleansed Heart!
Jeff and Carrie Davis
This couple is putting their leadership abilities to work to invest in the lives of our youth in this area and are having an eternal impact on many young people. What a great example and standard this couple is setting for the rest of us to step and follow.
Check out the event below or go to their website to see how you can support this great organization and a have a part in supporting these servant leaders who are having an eternal impact on many young lives.
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